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Curriculum 교과 과정

Designlandia는 영어를 통해 공감 능력, 창의 적인 사고를 강화하는 교육으로 아이들의 미래를 준비합니다.

​저희 수업은 어휘 실력의 기본 위에  사고력(design thinking), 감성 인지 능력,  독해/작문 과정으로 이루어집니다.

At Designlandia, we develop our students into future innovators by strengthening their English, empathy, and creative thinking. The foundation of our curriculum is vocabulary, and upon which we teach design thinking, emotional literacy, and reading & writing. 

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Image by Krisztian Tabori

Emotional Literacy

  • Interpret & manage emotions

  • Develop empathy

  • Resolve conflict

Design Thinking

  • Work in teams

  • Empathize with users

  • Creatively solve real-world problems 



  • Wordly Wise 3000

  • Greek & Latin Word Parts

  • Novel Vocabulary


Novel Study

  • Read novels appropriate to student's reading level

  • Discuss novel elements

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Nonfiction Reading

  • National Geographic Reading Explorer books

  • News Articles

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Grammar & Writing

  • Essay writing

  • Writing for different audiences

  • Grammar instruction

Join Us!

If you would like to know more about us, please contact us! We'd be happy to tell you more. 

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